Mindfulness & Meditation Sessions

Marbella Pérez Peña

Marbella Pérez Peña

Mindfulness Session on Tuesday 17 June 2025, 9:00 – 9:30 am UTC+2

This mindfulness session will include a very brief introduction to what mindfulness is and how it can support us in our lives. This will be followed by the practices of mindful movement and sitting meditation. The sitting meditation will include a gentle body scan and breath meditation.

Marbella Pérez Peña is a Doctor of Psychology, mindfulness trainer, yoga teacher, and psychotherapist in training. She currently works as a researcher investigating the effects of mindfulness on adolescent wellbeing. She also works as a therapist for adolescents and adults. She is inspired by the fusion of Eastern wisdom and Western knowledge as a means to promote healing, connection, and freedom.

Dardan Bastiaan

Meditation Session on Thursday 19 June, 8:30 – 9:00 am UTC+2

In this meditation session, participants can experience how a mindfulness practice can be supported by certain heart qualities. They are known as goodwill, compassion, altruistic joy, and equanimity or peacefulness. They are used to surround and nourish the awareness, becoming aware of our breath, our experiences, and mind-set. As we recognize what factors are stressful for the awareness, and abandon them, the mindfulness becomes friendly, harmless, and it can allow for the letting go of stress and its underlying conditions. 

Dardan Bastiaan is a student of Leigh Brasington in the modern Theravada tradition of Ayya Khema.


Dardan Bastiaan
Karma Djinpa Tartchin

Karma Djinpa Tartchin

Meditation Session on Friday 20 June 2025, 8:50 – 9:30 am UTC+2

This meditation session introduces participants to a series of universal meditation techniques, open to all, regardless of background or experience.

The structure of the session is as follows:
10 minutes: Introduction and preparation
10 minutes: Calm abiding meditation
10 minutes: Insight meditation
10 minutes: Loving-kindness meditation

Karma Djinpa Tartchin (Daniel Rottiers) is a monk rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism. An ultra-athlete who loves meditation, coffee, and equanimity. He has been active for many years in the sale of business software, with a soft spot for people management. ‘Everything is a creation of the mind’ is his mantra. He is not a teacher; he is a guide!